Happy Frank |
Frank26 is back though he now uses the name Frank Villa which may be his real name. The seeming loss of many mental marbles a few weeks ago was apparently a pressure symptom as he transitioned his altruistic-oriented, nominally Christian blog into a commercial enterprise. We should have seen this coming when he put on his suit and his mafia tie. I don't blame he guy for making a living - and what he's put together at frankvilladinar.com is actually pretty darn brilliant. Many of the believers from KTF Missions have found him by now and the blogs are full of prayers and blessings. There are now three conference calls per week, each of which contains an introduction to the commercial side of his website and two of which feature a presentation by source Delta.
For dinarmaniacs, the best part of Frank's presentation is Delta. The guy just seems genuinely plugged in as much as anyone can be. While Frank is saying, "I never give a rate or a date but watch for something momentous between 5/16 and 5/22 at $3.22," Delta is saying, "We really don't know but we wait for Shabibi."
Bottom line here? I'm glad Frank is able to finally support himself with this website. I never fault the clever entrepreneur. And I'm delighted I can continue to get insight from Delta. What do you think?